We are all back now in Oki. City, we were at Okuma beach up north for 3 days (Mon,Tues,Weds) and we all got refreshed in the word and blessed in fellowship.
We were blessed with a guest speaker and another surprise guest, it was Pastor Rich who taught and then the Newell Family paid us a surprise visit and we all got to meet little Tomoki Newell.
We had sessions in the Word, and prayer and fellowship by the bon-fire.
The focus of the retreat was in 2nd Timothy the whole book. Truly it was an amazing retreat, alot of things got brought out there from in our hearts alot of relationships were strengthened and restored too. God faithfully answered prayers out in Okuma.
2Ti 4:2 | Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. |