Can you count all the things that I'm worried about
By the lines in my brow, I want to trust but don't know how
To rest and be still, to abandon myself to your will
And I can't figure out what my time in this world is about
I know Christ waits for me on the other side
of this life, But I, I wanna know why I'm alive
Cause I wonder from the path so far
Would it be easier, easier to be where you are
I wanna know what the truth is
and I don't care if its costly
I know there must be a reason
even if it cannot be known by me
And this time I don't have an answer
But don't think that I haven't tried
I still have the heart of a seeker
But I need the faith of a child
I need the faith of a child
Friday, July 31, 2009
Song that is on my Heart. "Faith of a Child"
Day at Expo Park
we went to Expo park again and this time i got to really just relax and see a part of it that i had never seen. first Hannah, Michal, Tamiko, and I all relaxed in an Air Conditioned building as the group enjoyed the Aquarium then after we were rested we took off to the Old Okinowan Villages and enjoyed our time. it was alot of fun to hang with these girls they are some cool girls.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Okikokudai falls to Enagic
Today I was blessed to go to one of Robs game and I got to take a pic with the team Manager whom i had met before and i got to see the Speed on his throws. he has some heat he didn't break over 138 Kiloms. today he did have some pain in his arm on his opening pitch. either way they only got 4 hits on him and he Rocked it the Game closed at 14-7 Enagic Victory and no runs hit from Robs pitches. Good Job Rob! God has truly blessed you with your awesome pitching! Keep on going for Jesus bro!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Minstry with Marines
Hey guys! make sure you are praying for Kurtis! (he's on the Right) He's a dear friend to me and this guy is just plain awesome! He is going to be going to Hawaii for some work but please pray for him to just be blessed and enjoy God's love while he is away. Kurtis we will miss you while you are gone, i know i will for sure. Love you bro! Enjoy Hawaii! WOOOOOO!!!!!
Ina's Birthday Bash!!!!!!!
So we were blessed to be able to Celebrate Ina's Birthday together at Futenma Bowling Alley. The Amargo's put on some good food and we had a blessed time. I know it's early but still the Birthday Girl looked lovely and she blessed us all by turning the praise to Jesus. Good Job Ira and Irma!
Happy burr-day Ina!
Just for Mom
4th of July
It was a great 4th of July, granted i did miss my family back home. i was able to spend time with the Family here and grow close with them. In the Morning Jimmy came over and me and him spent some time in the Word then we went to the Koinonia Cafe where we played worship and had a good time. then we all went to a BBQ and finished the night with Fireworks on Kadena Air Force base.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Prayer Request
Hey everyone!
I have had alot of Amazing times here in Japan and many more to come. I just want to send out a prayer request to everyone. I am currently praying really hard about many things and alot of things have been concerning me but I would like to ask prayer for God to continue to work on my Faith, my courage, and my discipline. I am so lacking in these things sometimes and inconsistant in them. My prayer is to just be a vessel here that is continually used by God and he does but sometimes i am just so hessitant because of my lack of faith or even my lack or courage in things. Today's message from Pastor Tom really spoke to me when he quoted Brian Brodersen and said " Sin makes us lose confidence in ourselves especially when at the pulpit " this quote encouraged me to check my heart and my walk and see if there is anything that i need to throw out that is making me lose and confidence. I pray that God would just make me bold to step out in faith that He has for me.
Thank you!
God Bless
Thursday, July 2, 2009
What's up B.o.B.
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